On 06/30/2024 PySimpleGUI, the library this project depended on, has shifted to an (at least for me) unusable commercial model, as such this project will have to be completely rewritten from the ground up for a new GUI library, when a suitable substitute is found.
A basic, portable timetable widget.
Simple command line tool to let you know when your PC's ready to go.
A simple command line tool that lets you know when your CPU load has been below the pre-set percentage for the pre-set amount of time or gives up after a pre-set amount of tries and ends with a pause so you know whether the app has already ran or not when you've let your computer turn on while being AFK.
On 06/30/2024 PySimpleGUI, the library this project depended on, has shifted to an (at least for me) unusable commercial model, as such this project will have to be completely rewritten from the ground up for a new GUI library, when a suitable substitute is found.
A simple library index and card software.
Grid view filled with important book details that can be sorted, searched through, edited and opened in most spreadsheet editors. Along with a helpful add window that can look up info from ISBN codes or redirect you to OpenLibrary records. Plus, a library card system, backups, undos, a small notepad and more!
All the necessary info for a project of Studio Filmu GO.
EXCEPTION: This website is closed-source as its contents are not only copyrighted, but also limited to their employees only under an NDA.
The web gallery isn't truly optimized and can be rather resource heavy. If you'd like something more streamlined use one of the other art gallery links.
Archived on 08/05/2024, the day it was released, as a done proof-of-concept prototype. There's no reason to continue the works on this project as it serves as a bare-bones OS for Godot for anyone interested to use.
A proof of concept of an interactive OS made in Godot.
Archived on 12/31/2023 due to not being used and me starting to worry about the APIs used.
Discord bot for my private server, Foxie's Cookie Jar.